Saturday, May 11, 2013

Bag Ladies, Fiber & More Fiber!!

Hello All,
I know it has been a few weeks since my last post, but I have a very good excuse... FIBER!!!
The Bag Lady Tour was wonderful again this year. We had over 350 people who all seemed to be enjoying themselves immensely. It's always great fun when we get a group of ladies coming in the door laughing. Sometimes those ladies are not even together, just making the tour in the same order. I guess after a few stops, it's inevitable that people become friendly with each other. We also saw some old friends who have been coming for the past couple of years that we have participated. It's also always nice to see those of you who take the time to stop by and visit with us.
Everyone seemed to enjoy the snacks of homemade mini cupcakes with purple sugar, and the homemade salsa! I made some customers show me what goodies they had collected and they happily obliged me. Someone was giving out cute hankerchiefs, another gave little wooden rulers and yet another gave votive holders which just happened to be a pretty purplish color that happened to match the celophane that we used to wrap our votives in so customers were pleased at that little treat!
All in all we had a good time and everyone seemed to notice the changes we have made in the shop this year. We worked hard and it was nice when people commented on how nice the place looked. We have more plans for this summer.
But meanwhile, we are working towards The Great Lakes Fiber Festival which takes place over Memorial Weekend at the Wooster Fairgrounds. This is one of the best gatherings for fiber people. There will be lots of yarns and rovings for sale, tools, spinning wheels, felting supplies, raw fleece, and a slew of other things. I am always excited to take part in this event and spend some time with such wonderfully inventive people. This year we will be offering stitch markers, drop spindles, wool and alpaca fiber and some other goodies for the fiber enthusiast. We have invited Margaret Herrmann Dreher to join us this year so look for her works in our booth and hopefully she will stop by and spend some time meeting with customers sometime over the weekend. Let's keep our fingers crossed.
So, I have been very busy since the Bag Lady Tour ended, preparing for Great Lakes Fiber Festival. I hope you will stop by and say hello.
In closing, I would like to thank all of you who participated in the Bag Lady Tour this year. We will be looking forward to the Fall Country Tour.
I'm sorry I have no photos for you this time, but next time, I should have some from the fiber show.
Now, back to cleaning fiber!!
Thank you for taking the time to stop by.

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